Monday, December 20, 2010

Pastor Anniversary Envelopes

The world will haunt you as an any part of the world will be yours. Only if you belong entirely to the Divine that you can become free.

Shri Aurobindo

We are called to deify. It is a matter of time, but it is mostly a matter of choice and personal approach. The first step involves connecting with the divine light. We slipped in a word our last post . Contact is established, then begins a process of deification which encompasses all our links. Being spiritual is not confined to moments of meditation or prayer that we agree. The deification of our lives is the deification of all its aspects. We are called to deify everything we do in seeing them or honoring the divine presence. We always room for the divine light in everything we do and all our relations. In the divine life, 1 + 1 = 3. At first, the process may seem artificial, pressed on our lives. But gradually, inviting light in our every day gestures and it is our whole life is filled with light. The carpenter sees the light in his hammer in the furniture he makes. The baker makes his living by devoting to light. We cook the meal we share with family and friends in welcoming divine light. Among friends, colleagues or family, we call light. Thinking about the light, by making a place in our simple everyday actions, we sacralisons our lives in these smaller areas. We put on the altar of light our ties with others, our relationship with food, nature, the air we breathe, the objects that we manipulate our thoughts and with the whole being that we share . All these links are energetic son who come to carry light. The ties that keep us away from the light will be discontinued or transmuted by the effect of vibration of light. Our antagonism difficult, abusive will go through the healing that gives us light.

From the moment we enter the path of light, all that - us - blocking the light path is set before us until we understand the lesson and we are detached from these blockages. Our healing crises are often the result of the clash between light and thereby blocking its path. Each time, it is a test between itself and the light. Between ego and light. We can then ask the help of light. If we are sincere in our desire to integrate the light in our life, our light will resolve deadlocks. One to un.Et thereby, heal us.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Motorola Starchoice Remote Programing

How do I connect with the divine light?

This is not a method or technique that we will encounter the divine light. It is a heart available that we must achieve before an encounter with the sacred light, so intimate with a dimension of our being, the connection with the light takes the form of a tearful reunion. It is also a form of reconciliation with oneself, which impacts on others and the universe with which it is reconciled as well.

In several religions, it is purified, we take off our shoes, we prostrate, it fast before entering a sacred space to meet the divine. This space is sacred in itself. It is a heart available and soul that is detached from the secular ties that keep us away from light to mieux s'élever vers le divin. Avant d'entrer en relation avec l'énergie divine, avec la lumière, on cultive l'humilité, on demande pardon, on se met à nue en quelque sorte, on s'avoue dans toute notre fragilité et toute notre humanité. On se montre aussi dans notre désir sincère et pur de connecter avec la source divine. Il y a en quelque sorte une erreur à réparer , car c'est bien nous qui avons choisi de s'exiler de notre "chez-soi".    Il y a un besoin de purification, de pardon, et de grande guérison. Car cette rupture avec la source divine nous a causé de la souffrance. 

So how to connect with the divine source? By expressing the heart our sincere desire to find the divine part of our being, to live honestly by accepting the healing of soul and heart which follows the reunion intimate, these internal alchemical wedding which we reconcile with self, others and the universe. Is to know that our prayers, even silent, are heard. Know it to hear the answer of the universe when it comes. It is accepting of his life back in hands of the divine light and be guided by it. It is a choice for a new life.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Quotes With Souther Dialect

Reclaiming our soul

cure is to become whole is to recover our missing part, this divine aspect of self we have lost sight of. But it also regain all the fragments of self - our soul - are scattered throughout our past experiences in the energy field of others. We feel guilt, anger, strong attachment bonds to a particular person, it is possible that this person keeps a piece of our soul. The reverse is also possible, that is to say that we retain a fragment of the soul of that person. When we exercise control over a person can develop relationships based on etheric intention or desire to control. Energy follows intention, whatever the intention.

Our energy can then be lost through etheric bonds that remain even when the relationship has ceased on the physical plane. The brutal breakup is often ill because of powerful etheric links uniting our beloved (e) suddenly cease to supply our energy centers. The relationship and / or sexual is a medium channeling significant energy, often with a strong delusion. The relationship of channeling energy that feeds us and it is often deceive us about the true source of energy.

We are energy beings sprawling. A series of energy ties connect us to each other. Not to mention the links that we have with loved ones or foreign non-incarnated. Many of these links can distract us from the light and we render our energy. He must be aware and do the housework.

In the spiritual path, it is important to understand the dynamic relationships that develop between us and our neighbors. Every relationship is a possibility of sharing power in light or in shadow. Most of the time, we do in the shadow of our ego. Our links are conditional, filled with anticipation, leaving little freedom to another. The links are made and unmade by adherence to these unwritten rules. As we are not autonomous in our connection to the source, and as we seek to draw our energy in others, we condemn ourselves to suffering, because we put ourselves in a situation of dependence on them. We must learn to remain connected to the source in our relations. This means that we stop being duped by the ego (ours and others), expectations, experiences, karmic he is thirsty, dramas he has to play to put the world at its convenience, his lies and his illusory world.

By linking to the source, we free ourselves of attachment energy that keep us captive to one another. We cut off the son and recover our energy by merging our being scattered in the alchemical fire of light. This affects our relationships become the scene of a share of the light to its source. Reconnection to our source encourages other souls also reconnect to the source in a co-evolutionary movement.

There are probably several ways to recover our soul scattered in the tangle our etheric linkages.

A meditation that we can do is 1) to connect with the universal energy of life or divine light, 2) call to our own soul fragments, 3) to release the fragments of soul self or foreign entities, directing them towards the light, then 4) to fill us with light to fill the gaps left by the bodies or fragments leaving us.

Here's how it can make

"I pray and I ask the divine light, the Holy Spirit, Reiki for their help and support in the healing work I do. "

Breathing and reception of light.
Repeat the sentence if necessary.

If you feel the divine connection or when you feel ready, n o passes the next step is to call our soul and / or its fragments.

"I call my soul, and all fragments of my soul, which remained attached to past experiences or other people. These experiments are over. It is time to return home. I forgive the wrong that was done. I ask pardon for the wrong I did. Divine light comes forgive us. Just release my soul and its fragments that have remained captive to suffering, memory, and lost contact with me. Thank you all light to dissolve the bonds that connect these fragments ethereal soul to another soul. I incorporate all my fragments and agree to heal. "

"I ask the light to free me of entities or soul fragments that have been attached to me. I forgive these entities and these fragments, and I ask the light, and its representatives, to guide these entities to their next place of evolution by dissolving all ties that link me to etheric them. Thank you my seal of light energy field and fill in your healing energy. "

Wait until the job done.
Doing this meditation for several days.

We can do this exercise by reviewing each of the years of our existence, then our previous lives, because fragments or entities can come from past lives.

It is possible to feel movement in the body or energy field; to experience feelings of warmth or cold to hear voices, to have memories to surface. Only observe what is happening within the intention of the prayer and healing and staying connected with light.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Pokemon Mew Emerald.cht Gpsphone


If we take any faith that we are an outsider to heal us, and we put it in us if we are to believe in our healing power, we can become our own Reiki practitioner.

Everyone has the power to channel the universal energy of life. In fact, we all do. We constantly exchange energy with our environment. This is vital. But in this conscientization faculty, we can supply a source of energy purer, more divine, more revitalizing.

Many believe that practitioners of reiki or energy therapists have a gift but this gift, everyone has it. With a little work, you can connect with the universal energy of life to improve our physical life, psychological and spiritual. It's a way to reclaim our spiritual heritage which we are all entitled. It's a way to reconnect with our spiritual essence.

1 - First, believe we can channel that energy, pure and divine
2 - Ask - with faith - that energy to come into our lives, our body, our being;
3 - Take the time to open yourself to this energy and to welcome you can get your hands on you, another person, an animal and share that energy. Physical sensations and changes in consciousness can be felt.
4 - Repeat regularly with the certainty that this will work.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Very Dark Positive On First Response

The healing power of energy therapist, a transformer of energy

" An electrical transformer is a converter for changing the voltage and amperage supplied by a power source AC electrical system into a voltage and current of different values, but at the same frequency and same shape. "Wikipedia

N e are all surrounded by the divine energy, light, trying to get us. But our present condition ensures that most of us are cut off from the divine source. Some people, such as teachers or therapists sirituels energy (Reiki, Qigong, Johrei, Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch, etc..) Helping others to connect with this source of spiritual energy. Or rather, they help to sensitize their relationship with the source to draw from more energy, intelligent and love. We are never totally cut off from our source. We can be very distant, but the link remains.

The therapist who works with energy is somewhat of a transformer energy. He gets in tune with the energy of the recipient and with spiritual energy. On the one hand, it reduces the intensity of spiritual energy while the other student he that of the recipient, allowing them to connect with each other. When he feels that the link between the receiver and the source is established, its role is finished. His role in this sense is a ferryman. He should play just long enough so that the person develops (consolidates and stabilizes) the link with the source. Time to teach him how to maintain this link, especially for cultivating, faith and persevering in the work of energy. Then the person can take the torch to continue the work with others.

Note: click on image to enlarge.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Outline For Basketball

Lightarian Care Level 5 and 6


Here's carefully guided meditation Lightarian levels 5 and 6 as an audio file and text:


Good integration of energy and beautiful encounter with these energies

For those who took the bandwagon, here are the videos previous

Health Tips:
1 - pass the time (for ex. 7 days) between care
2 - drink water after treatment

Video 4 Lightarian 5 and 6

text files meditations
Bouddhic boost

Lightarian 1 & 2

Lightarian 3

Lightarian 4

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How Long Do You Take Trimethoprim?

Reiki and exchange

In Usui Reiki, we gave an interpretation Currency exchange that must have between the donor and receiver of energy.

For me, the exchange may have a different meaning.

We are all part of a chain of transmission of light. Reiki is the awakening and the awakening is the deep healing of our whole being which becomes united with its source.

We receive reiki because it is vital for us. We have the "right" to receive this natural energy, without necessarily going through a third party. The indicator light is always our prayers. If we ask, we receive. If we're knocking at the door, we were open. Every soul has incarnated the right and duty to connect with its source and restore unity with her, with others, with nature and the universe.

When we receive the light, we are invited (and encouraged internally) to share. Such is the nature of trade. And this incentive to the exchange may become a deep commitment at all times. Plus we go through reiki (but that applies to any spiritual path), the more we commit ourselves to share the enlightenment that we live, because we recognize our original state.

At every moment of our existence, no ou are participating in an exchange of energy with each other. But what is the nature of the energy exchanged? Are we transmute the energy? In what state are we in this together? Is what we receive in its entirety the person who speaks to us, which tells us a worry, illness, accident, an evil being, or a banal story? Will we allow the energy to match becoming light channel?

Are we aware that we can share the light in our lives and not just in our sessions of energy work. Queuing in a crate in traffic at rush hour, during a meeting at work, we share a meal with family or friends?

Receive light is to feel the incentive to share it as a call for the salvation of humanity, starting with the passenger sitting next to you on the train ...

Monday, October 4, 2010

Custom Pins Madison Wi

Gratitude for minors who have gone before us spiritual movement

If, as individuals, we can more easily connect with the divine light, because we not only reap the fruit of our work, but also represents the work has been done by many pioneers who blazed the trail. People like Aurobindo who understood that the goal of spiritual work is to embody, anchoring, and disseminate and light into matter, through our body, through our relationship, through Nature. Think of Shri Aurobindo, who knew that the light was in the field and has worked much of his life not to reach God by transcending the material, but to achieve it by plunging into the material in its body, its cells in every corner of life, to anchor the divine consciousness, or rather to bring forth the Spirit. A bit like our ancestors who banged stones to make them spark. These pioneers have cleared the roads that make ours the most feasible.

How does the work that an individual can have an effect on my own spiritual work? Several ways. First, through their writings, they tell us about their experiences, the meaning of their experiences, what has more or less well, the pitfalls they may encounter en route. But they are also another way. Embodied souls on earth have long been cut off channels of universal light. Astral layer - which is still very present - separated them from light. Only a thin wire connected to the the source of divine light. But the bulk of their soul was (still is not bad) related to the astral planes which these souls away from their sources. So they are very poorly fed on the spiritual plane. As substitutes for the spiritual light they have consumed in lieu of a real link with the light. The work of these pioneers helped to drill holes in the astral layer and thin. Our work is facilitated, but it is not over. We are like the Chilean miners who are trapped underground, with the difference that we should not rise to the surface, but continue working illuminate the space underground.

I express my deepest gratitude to these pioneers explorers who make our lives a little more real and bright.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Blackwork Tattoo Artists

and intelligence of Reiki

To understand Reiki as spreads on the canvas of souls, we can take the example of water. If we do not want to receive (take) energy, without sharing in return, we are a dam on the way reiki, and we continue to circumnavigate his way and spread on the canvas of souls. We may then become like a dry well or not channel a trickle of energy. It is important to understand the importance of sharing this gift we receive when we are touched by Reiki (whatever the name given to this spiritual energy). Plus we offer, the more we receive. We become a portal to the divine energy. Will we lift the barriers on the path of Reiki? Let us barriers between a student of reiki and energy divine?

Is that the price we ask for an education or treatment is a barrier?

Is our tendency to denigrate other forms of Reiki that his is a barrier?

Is our competitive spirit is a barrier?

Are the requirements that we have vis-à-vis our students are barriers?

How can we become a best portal for the energy to help it pursue its peaceful revolution on the planet?

That said, I have faith in Reiki. Is it not in his nature to remove blockages he meets on his way?

Each person is affected by this energy feels the need to share it. Sooner or later it becomes aware of the obstacles it creates on the path of Reiki and eliminates them. A bit like water that meets a boulder in its path, does not it ends by the shape and force a passage through it? This is the path of Reiki.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Cani Order Humpty Dumpty Chips?

EvidenceWeb souls

We are all part of a vast web that connects our souls to each other. An invisible chain of solidarity. When we are touched by light, we become facilitators of light and help - sometimes despite ourselves - souls to reconnect with the light. The light is diffused through every pore of our being (our thoughts, emotions, our actions, our silence). She hunts and the obstacle strikes a canvas of souls. The soul that is affected by light feels to come home. We become saturated with divine presence, and we are like bread dough in the hands of god ... And all those who breathe the fragrance of this communion bread.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Why Does The Back Of My Scrotum Itch

The road to nirvana illustrated

This illustrated the winding course of meditating on the path to nirvana. The monkey represents the excitement (agitation), while the elephant represents the spirit (which is initially opaque). The monk slowly tames these two aspects of himself through attention and recall to itself (symbolized by two tools he holds in his hands). At first, he ran behind the elephant and monkey. This shows his lack of control over himself. We see the elephant that changes color, symbolizing the cleansing or clarifying the mind. Fire roadside decreases in intensity, which represents the degree of effort required to achieve results. Towards the end of the course, the monkey disappears.

The six levels of the path represent six levels which are achieved through exercises: listening to instructions, their assimilation, their memory, vigilance, perseverance and the perfect habit.

Finally the elephant (spirit) bears the monk to nirvana.

To see the animated version, click here .

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Is A Wooden Spoon Better For Cooking


Time is an illusion that lasts long it takes us to awaken us to our true nature. The acceleration of time that many seem to see would it not related to the acceleration of our awakening? and the fact that we approach our true nature?

Builidng A Horizontal Timber Fence

Are we alive? The booklet

In the film Manhunter (The Sixth Sense), a boy has the right to collect the deceased. During the story, child gets help from a policeman (played by Bruce Willis) who realizes at the end of the film he died and is part of the child sees ghosts. The viewer also believed that this person was alive. The question we should ask is "what proves that we are alive?"

There is another film Jacob's Ladder (Jacob's ladder), which begin with the scene of a soldier who is dying on an operating table in Viet Nam. All the rest of the film, he lives in a dream, and through several bardos, waking one to plunge into another, in a whirlwind that is actually created by him, the influence exerted upon him the illusory world of bardos. Only at the end that the hero of the film is light.

In fact, the real question is not whether we are truly alive, but if we are aware of bardos in which we are immersed. Tibetan Buddhism refers to qualify for bardo intermediate states between death and rebirth. Even life is considered a bardo if she lives under the sway of the illusory world, which is the case for a lot of us.

If we are not awake to our true nature and that we are immersed in the bardo, we are so different from the dead through various bardos? And the urgency is not it so great to invite the light to infuse itself?

There should be a book as we read the Bardo Thodol to live to it crosses the bardos life without getting caught by their illusory reality by putting us warned against its pitfalls.

Wikipedi a: Bardo Thödol or Tibetan Book of the Dead is a text Tibetan Buddhism describing states consciousness and perceptions in succession during the period from death to rebirth . The study of the living or the recitation of the main chapter with a Lama during or after the agony of death is supposed to help the liberation from the cycle of reincarnation, or at least get better reincarnation .

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Acrostic Poem Congruent

Usui Reiki

Here the French translation of the libretto of Usui Reiki.

The translation is not perfect, but we can capture most of the content.

Good day

booklet available here

Sunday, September 5, 2010

My Dog Has Flaky Skin And Hair Falling Out

Alignment Axiatonal

Here's an introduction that can administer yourself. I translated the manual in English with a little help from Google. I enjoyed this tutorial in the past and I am happy to share it with you. It's a bit long to run but it's worth it to put the effort. I wish you a nice meeting with yourself.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

How High Should I Put Holdbacks

The real holiday

initiation and full activation Melchizedek Synthesis Ray (translated from English)

Dear [name of person receiving the initiation], reading what follows, you will receive the complete initiation and activation of Melchizedek Synthesis Ray as the activations associated with them.

The ray synthesis Melchizedek is a cosmic ray into four parts. It may be called the radius of the creation and spiritual freedom. It is directly activated by Lord Melchizedek, Mahatma, Archangel Metatron and
the Shekinah.

During the initiation / activation, you receive the rays of Being and Becoming, who hold the original code of DNA activation, symbols of healing, and letters of fire of immortality and regeneration
Torah , allowing all personal and planetary karma cleansings take place. Melchizedek is also known as the educator of the soul, head to awaken us to our true being and awaken us to unity.

now proceed to the activation / initiation.

* * * * * * *


On behalf of " I Am ", in these words j'ancre full harmonization and activation of Melchizedek Synthesis Ray for [name of person receiving the initiation].



To receive initiation please answer the following questions. An affirmative answer to each question you can go to the next stage of initiation.

1. Do you choose to control your physical body, your instincts and your impulses?

2. Do you choose control your emotional body / astral body and your desire?

3. Do you choose to master the dark part of your mind / ego / me?

4. you choosing to free yourself from any form of attachment to people, places and things?

5. Do you choose to merge completely and now with your Monad and all-powerful presence, "I Am "And free you from all spiritual blindness?

6. Do you choose to take responsibility and spiritual leadership that comes with this tutorial is to convey to climb?

7. Choose your to live on earth in the omnipotence of the presence of "I Am" in a fully integrated service to all living beings?

point golden dome of protection from the highest levels of divinity for this initiation. point the Divine Presence the Lord Melchizedek, Mahatma, Archangel Metatron and the Shekinah. I demand we are now clothed in the dress of the radius of synthesis of radiating white gold, opal and forever.

point now the net light platinum to sweep our being to release anything less than the light and not for our greater good. I affirm that we are totally connected to all Guides Melchizedek Synthesis, Archangels and Elohim.

point for us now fully enlightened our mind and full activation of the 72 rooms of our mind. point columns of power poles and healing of the Lord Melchizedek, Mahatma, Archangel Metatron and the Shekinah and I ask they be placed in our crown chakra to make a profound illumination. anchoring point for us and the activation of the 72 letters of the sacred names of God. point now for us the sacred conjunctions between the pineal gland and pituitary.

Stay quiet now and receive these blessings.

point pléadiens emissaries of light, Isis, Osiris, RA, Horus and Thoth and I ask to anchor and activate now the pitch of harmonic consciousness of Christ in each of our chakras. point for us, anchoring total and the activation of the 12 Light Bodies. point specifically the upper body of Christ, the etheric body of the plane, the body of Zohar Light and plan perfect body monadic.

Stay calm and get these blessings now.

point to anchor it very well and enable the radius colorless and clear aquamarine radius. the anchor point of the container full of heart for us to fully empower the heart chakra and the heart center is greater. Stay quiet now and receive these blessings.

I now ask the Lord Melchizedek, the Mahatma, Archangel Metatron to and the Shekinah to approach us and place their hands on our left shoulders. I'm going to call us a deep and permanent connection to the radius of Melchizedek Synthesis. I ask the Lord Melchizedek, Mahatma, Archangel Metatron and the Shekinah now projects a beam of powerful energies of the being and becoming, freedom in our spiritual energy matrices and introduce us to the full utilization of these energies.

Feel the transmission of energy powerful now.


point Pléadiens emissaries of light to seal this introduction with a seal of divine protection, power, blessing and love. the name of God, you are now crowned in the halls of the waiver and now you can wear a crown of light that will never fade. Open your heart and receive this blessing now. Awaken the son of Melchizedek and know that the prophecy is fulfilled Cathar.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am who I am.

Friend, these activations bring you the most good. Your gifts to humanity are many and the gifts you receive in turn can be numerous.

In Love and Light forever.

[name of facilitator]

* * * * * * *


Now that activation is complete, take the time to integrate this energy and tame your office in the service of light for humanity. When you feel ready or willing, you can pass this introduction to the man or woman who makes a wish. Good light transmission.