The real holiday initiation and full activation Melchizedek Synthesis Ray (translated from English)
Dear [name of person receiving the initiation], reading what follows, you will receive the complete initiation and activation of Melchizedek Synthesis Ray as the activations associated with them.
The ray synthesis Melchizedek is a cosmic ray into four parts. It may be called the radius of the creation and spiritual freedom. It is directly activated by Lord Melchizedek, Mahatma, Archangel Metatron and the Shekinah.
During the initiation / activation, you receive the rays of Being and Becoming, who hold the original code of DNA activation, symbols of healing, and letters of fire of immortality and regeneration Torah , allowing all personal and planetary karma cleansings take place. Melchizedek is also known as the educator of the soul, head to awaken us to our true being and awaken us to unity.
now proceed to the activation / initiation.
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On behalf of " I Am ", in these words j'ancre full harmonization and activation of Melchizedek Synthesis Ray for [name of person receiving the initiation].
To receive initiation please answer the following questions. An affirmative answer to each question you can go to the next stage of initiation.
1. Do you choose to control your physical body, your instincts and your impulses?
2. Do you choose control your emotional body / astral body and your desire?
3. Do you choose to master the dark part of your mind / ego / me?
4. you choosing to free yourself from any form of attachment to people, places and things?
5. Do you choose to merge completely and now with your Monad and all-powerful presence, "I Am "And free you from all spiritual blindness?
6. Do you choose to take responsibility and spiritual leadership that comes with this tutorial is to convey to climb?
7. Choose your to live on earth in the omnipotence of the presence of "I Am" in a fully integrated service to all living beings?
point golden dome of protection from the highest levels of divinity for this initiation. point the Divine Presence the Lord Melchizedek, Mahatma, Archangel Metatron and the Shekinah. I demand we are now clothed in the dress of the radius of synthesis of radiating white gold, opal and forever.
point now the net light platinum to sweep our being to release anything less than the light and not for our greater good. I affirm that we are totally connected to all Guides Melchizedek Synthesis, Archangels and Elohim.
point for us now fully enlightened our mind and full activation of the 72 rooms of our mind. point columns of power poles and healing of the Lord Melchizedek, Mahatma, Archangel Metatron and the Shekinah and I ask they be placed in our crown chakra to make a profound illumination. anchoring point for us and the activation of the 72 letters of the sacred names of God. point now for us the sacred conjunctions between the pineal gland and pituitary.
Stay quiet now and receive these blessings.
point pléadiens emissaries of light, Isis, Osiris, RA, Horus and Thoth and I ask to anchor and activate now the pitch of harmonic consciousness of Christ in each of our chakras. point for us, anchoring total and the activation of the 12 Light Bodies. point specifically the upper body of Christ, the etheric body of the plane, the body of Zohar Light and plan perfect body monadic.
Stay calm and get these blessings now.
point to anchor it very well and enable the radius colorless and clear aquamarine radius. the anchor point of the container full of heart for us to fully empower the heart chakra and the heart center is greater. Stay quiet now and receive these blessings.
I now ask the Lord Melchizedek, the Mahatma, Archangel Metatron to and the Shekinah to approach us and place their hands on our left shoulders. I'm going to call us a deep and permanent connection to the radius of Melchizedek Synthesis. I ask the Lord Melchizedek, Mahatma, Archangel Metatron and the Shekinah now projects a beam of powerful energies of the being and becoming, freedom in our spiritual energy matrices and introduce us to the full utilization of these energies.
Feel the transmission of energy powerful now.
point Pléadiens emissaries of light to seal this introduction with a seal of divine protection, power, blessing and love. the name of God, you are now crowned in the halls of the waiver and now you can wear a crown of light that will never fade. Open your heart and receive this blessing now. Awaken the son of Melchizedek and know that the prophecy is fulfilled Cathar.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am who I am.
Friend, these activations bring you the most good. Your gifts to humanity are many and the gifts you receive in turn can be numerous.
In Love and Light forever.
[name of facilitator]
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Now that activation is complete, take the time to integrate this energy and tame your office in the service of light for humanity. When you feel ready or willing, you can pass this introduction to the man or woman who makes a wish. Good light transmission.