Sunday, January 23, 2011

Groping On The Subway

"Mbida returned" a bicycle géanr brousspectacle, rifleman de-pensioner, shadows Sino-African

Interconnectedness cultural shadows of Sino-African Wolof griot, a staff toubab: videos, archives

a bike towing a sailing rifleman giant arenas on the village

The next stroll through the village. Mbida giant seeks knowledge in the village

Meeting Weapon Mbida brother, down from its 92 years, held by the thread of life, vacillating, but tenacious Sembaré Sene said for the collective memory, his life as a prisoner in Germany, the war, the cold, his escape to France.
The family of fighter shows his medals. In 1940, the French army's certainly chosen because they were the champion wrestler Ngué Kor.
whole village is gathered at his door. We insist whether perceives his veteran's pension, the family shows us the records, the steps are complicated to get tired backward. Sembaré with his sense of honor, trusting God. It preserves the health he remains merely that the French authorities are willing to pay him. The sobriety of its living environment, respect for all the village talk to him.

The scenario of the show "is Mbida income" attributed to me the role of conveyor-cycling-trans-Saharan Mbida, the sharpshooter who lost his memory, looking for his village.
At this meeting, although real, has given me a memory, that of a man who has transferred part of its life force for our current condition exists.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Disco Stew Simpsons Costume

Fatigue and energy

Fatigue can have many causes: physical inactivity, poor diet, stress, strenuous exercise, lack of quality sleep, lack of light (fatigue or winter blues). There are good and the fatigue that is not normal. We'll take a look "energy" on fatigue, knowing that there are a variety of factors.

If anyone feels tired and requires energy healing, we must be aware that leaks in the energy field, the energy we'll pass it risks being lost. So how close a loophole? First, what creates these gaps? Often these are non-constructive thoughts, mind is overactive and which feeds on itself, difficult emotions, conflicts, relations of parasitic vampirism or (in the physical or spiritual) that create and maintain these energy leaks. Our mental and emotional life has often taken up too high, in addition to being frequently cut off from being true. If we were in being, we will not exhaust all in words and silence would be a more faithful friend.

is the very person who possesses the means to plug its leaks energy. If we make an energy treatment, we can plug "energy" these gaps. But if the person falls back into these habits, it is likely to reopen. It is then appropriate to tell the person some ways to avoid this.

Here are some points to watch:

  • Being attentive to his thoughts: there did they ever come back? Constant worries? fixations on a situation, a relationship, someone else? There is probably a leak of energy.
  • Be attentive to her emotions: anger, fear, jealousy, envy, are emotions that may indicate leakage energy.
  • Have we strained relations which we empty or exhaust us? A relationship where a person is abusing us - workplace - in a sense physical or psychological. A relationship of vampirism?
  • Consumes one with excess alcohol and drugs? It can open energy gaps.

In addition, the energy gaps can attract astral entities who come to feed our negativity, our emotions, our thoughts and sap our energy while we now an environment of low vibration energy.

Therefore clean our minds, our relationships, our mental and emotional life. You have to make a program shaping energy . Not only must close the gap, but we must also connect with the life energy (light): developing thoughts, feelings of generosity, sharing, love, compassion, joy. Although at first it may seem artificial or not felt, while undertaking to do so, we develop a connection with a good energy that will fill our energy body and the gaps will be sealed in the long term.

Be patient. In all such work must be constant. We see the fruits of our efforts in too distant future.

Image: GastonLagaffe - Franquin (c) Dupuis

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Number Of Rows In Rose Quarter

Login to light (continued) The Divine Life

In a recent post , we talked about the connection with the lumière.Les words "light," "divine," "life energy", "Holy Spirit" refer to an aspect of reality that seems unattainable for many of us. But some people seek to make "tangible" or "practical" aspect of reality to those who want it.

For me, this is a visionary who put me on the road. She spoke of the Holy Spirit and she told me that I could build a relationship with him. I took the word and I began to regularly call the Holy Spirit, to invite him to come into my life, heal me. In some difficult moments, I remember having "formal notice" to come into my life. I wanted the words "light", "Holy Spirit", "divine" are not just words, as concepts. I wanted to experience it. I was touched by what lies behind these words. Then, gradually, I developed a relationship with light. I learned to give him a place in my life and my heart. I still have much to learn and for that, I defer to light.

For those who want to experience, here are some qualities that must be nurtured so that light part of your life.

Patience and perseverance .
A teacher I had Healing touch in telling us that she has practiced energy treatments 7 years before starting to feel the energy. What motivated him to continue?

confidence .
Know that even if you do not feel anything, that something happens soon formula we intend to integrate the divine - light - in our lives.

Formulate for .
It is important to take time to formulate our intention. To clarify and ensure that our whole being clearly intends to integrate the light in our lives. Sometimes it may be fleeting desire of the ego. A wish that can be rendered fragile by the parties themselves (Saboteur, do not feel worthy to light, not feeling up to it, etc..) That do not really believe or do not really want to integrate the light our lives. It is therefore pray (pray = request) from our whole being so that the light comes into our lives. Knowing that we will be heard. Praying to set in motion energy. When asked in the light to enter our life, the universe starts to respond to our request. It's about being attentive to the signs.

Signs .
These are small significant events, some of synchronicity, that guide you to your new life path. One must be careful. You can see where the winks of light that makes us so that our prayer has been heard. It is a relationship that begins to build. A dialogue begins between itself and the light. Like any relationship, it must maintain. Like any relationship, we may be confronted our masks, our excuses, our fears, our blocks. Especially that this is a relationship with light. Here we see how we integrate the light in our lives. Because it can only come if we eliminate our blocks. However, this means that if we agree to heal.

Healing .
To integrate the light in our lives, we must agree to let it heal by She and her experiences will make us live. It will force us to see through all our experiences. She will see that our spiritual teachers living in our friends, our relatives, who make us see in all colors. She will teach us to honor our life in all its dimensions. Only then, it will settle permanently in our hearts. And overflow.

Sharing .
sharing comes naturally, by spillover of light. We can not help but let her move in the least of our relationship with objects, nature, food, air we breathe, we contemplate the stars, living things, human beings, spiritual beings.