Sunday, June 22, 2008

Tekonsha 2030 Mk12 Instructions

224-226 J / Interlude: a desert in the rain

The minivan slowed down, we go down and get our baggage. At the crossroads, dark and warm. We walk to the center of SIPA, the time to sweat but not too much. We find the hotel that we recommended Rafael without difficulty. An old lady rocking in her rockincher we welcome the cigarette in his mouth and smile. She called her daughter who shows us a room in the back of the court. The price is good, nice place and there is a fan. We sit, smoke a rod with the grandmother and leave the village in the atmosphere and smell it is as good as the beer we're cool on the terrace of a purlin which overlooks the main square. We glean some info to get to the desert del Tatacoa, we will take tomorrow morning a boat to cross the Rio Magdalena Villavieja to reach a village across the river where the desert begins. We ask if we can leave our big bags at the hotel on time to our little desert crossing, this does obviously not worry, unlike the hotel where we stayed in Venezuela we had lightened a few hundred bolivianos for the same service. After a good night's sleep under the good hospices fan and a good breakfast we head towards the port of CCI for us to go on the other side. Soon we leave the village and find ourselves on a path where n flooded a lady who lives a regular travelers, unfortunately it is not found. Finally he kindly offers to host us and we go with him to his home. In the show his wife hypnotized by the TV we just hello. The room comes down to the simplest terms, a bed surrounded by four walls of concrete block covered with a corrugated jail. This will be great to spend the night, especially as we get up well before dawn to see the sun rise over the desert which is an hour a half walk from the village. We visit the archaeological museum, where we can admire some beautiful specimens of fossil turtles dating from the age when the sea covered the area. Then we go off to the observatory which is located near the laous must move from stone to stone to keep us dry. After crossing a field, we view the harbor: a bench on the edge of the shore in the shade of a tree several hundred years. Three Colombians are waiting near their motorcycle. We expect the boat will come for an hour. Instead of a boat, it is a wooden boat motor that is dawning. We ship with the bike and we just hope that we will not capsize because the Magdalena river is wide and powerful in this rainy season. We landed safely ten minutes later on the other side. The sun is already strong, and we arrive sweaty to the central place largely deserted at this hour. We go into the only restaurant-hotel in town, beautiful colonial building. We take a solid meal and ask for a room, unfortunately the hotel is full. The boy informs and reminds us of Cusco versbyrinthe which marks the beginning of the desert. We leave a little late and unfortunately we miss the sunset, but we will not fail to see Saturn through the eyepiece of the telescope. We return to the village in the heat of the night. Fortunately, the astronomer who also returned to the village by motorbike taxi takes us to stop halfway. But only a few hundred yards away a tour bus filled with girls stops at our height. Our astronomer hearted abandon us and we finish the race solo. We join our digs; awakening in 4 hours. Two hours after we fell asleep we were awakened by a sudden downpour. The noise is amplified by the incredibly jail. Hope that the rain will stop, we fall asleep again. But it t is not the case when the alarm rings, the rain has diminished but not stopped. Our march towards the desert begins to rain, we lucky few, the rain did not stop and we do not see the sunrise over the desert. Strange feeling to go to a desert when we get wet, it's like to walk to the North Pole in a swimsuit. On this disappointment, we take a solid breakfast and we set out for our long walk, hoping the rain stops, it's still incredible desert in the rain. Gradually our shoes become plateformboots taking care of a sticky mud, they gain weight at each step we take. We still have 5 hours of walking before reaching a natural pool that lies deep in the canyons of the desert del Tatacoa. Fortunately as the day goes by, the weather changes, clouds go away and the heat starts to come, at last! It does not take us long to complain in good French that we are. Our tee-shirts did not even have time to dry in the morning rain they are soaked with sweat. Soon the water level drop of our water bottles. It is noon and we finally understand why we are in a desert sun, little vegetation and lots of cactus. It is an hour when we finally arrive at the outskirts of the natural pool. Hopefully the water will be cool?
We commit ourselves in the labyrinth that forms this part of the desert. When we finally find the pool is the disappointment: only 40 cm of muddy water, no doubt due to the downpour of the night ... Half turn to take a nice cold drink and not leave for the maze of Cusco to be dry at this time and therefore accessible. We are tired after eight hours of walking and we decide try the stop, the first 4x4 stops being full, the driver suggested we hang out. We're just a few yards when we stop the car so it is difficult to remain hanging. Finally we hold the driver in the trunk and we leave. We stop in Cusco and after a little discussion, the driver Jorge proposes that we go the next day in San Augustine with them, pre-Columbian site in 5 hours away. It is so insistent that we accompany them as we take his number and offer to remember tonight when we return to our hotel to arrange an appointment for tomorrow where they will be less numerous and where there will be room in the car. They continue their journey after the grandmother has largely insisted we join them tomorrow in Neiva, a half hour south of CCI. On this we descend to explore the maze of red Cusco and we get lost in the maze for an hour, sweating blood and water as the heat is concentrated in the grooves of this labyrinthe.Nous Villavieja us get to stop in and once again a full 4X4 stops and invites us to cling to the sides. This time it's more comfortable and we accept without hesitation. We arrived at our hosts p waiver shower bien méritée avant de les saluer et de partir pour Aipé. Quand nous abordons l´autre riv e, l´eau a inondé une bonne partie des champs et nous regagnons difficilement le village . Heureusement nous trouvons un bar ouvert où un e bière bien fraîche n´attendait que nos grands gosiers assoiffés. Nous prévenons Jorge que nous les rejoignons demain matin pour faire la route avec eux. Une bonne pizza dans un bouiboui à roulette installé sur la place et nous allons nous écrouler dans notre chambre.


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