Monday, May 19, 2008

Effects After Piercing Trgus

203-206 J / Ribbon Amazon

The rain stops. Meanwhile come to live beside us, two Swiss-German tourists, and not far from another German English origin. We are more than 160 on lancha and a handful of tourists, probably the result of pheromones, any body attracts like and stick together naturally for better or for worse. With barely an hour's delay the boat off the bank and soon we're in the middle of the Amazon. Two hours later we drop anchor in the port of Benjamin Constant, a break of two hours gives us time to do some shopping at the market stalls and in the surrounding which cluster around the mercado. Pendan t this time on the boat sellers benefit from the stop to make some profit by selling fruit, cookies, ice, blankets, hammocks and other bits still useful for this kind of crossing. A new maneuver the boat to fall off the floating dock. Quickly night falls and we go up on deck to listen to a group of music: rotten, filthy beer in sad contrast metallic taste in music, and we eat with our spoons the food bought on the port, served in bags Plastic: The Love Boat as she can! There for 5 days and 4 nights.
Directorate hammocks, history of a night's sleep lulled by the rolling of the boat, perfect until two o'clock in the morning. All the lights, police checks, 15 police officers back along the hammocks. Audits of papers and bags. Comes our turn, we give our passports and then they start to dig up my bag, two or three things fall down, they leave them as is. I try to make them understand that I will like to close the top of the bag if they put them back where they were before they excavate the remains, we can dream. Three unsuccessful attempts, I start to bawl, result, thorough search of the bags, all our things are balanced on the floor and they're going to continue their search. For police officers the result will be good, a kilo of cocaine seized in the engine.
The rest of the cruise will be more pleasant, the day reading a book, watch the river unfold, stretch our legs during brief stops in small villages that line the shore, all punctuated by meals and the bell that announces: 6 in the morning, breakfast: coffee sweet ex-then p
Ace of coffee and a bread-Laetitia sluggish; 11:00 lunch in less than a quarter of an hour in a small canteen of 15 places for those who do not like us and their bowls to the menu of meat with beans invariably , rice, spaghetti and cassava and once again at 5:30 p.m. for dinner-yes, it's early for dinner! Evening reading point towards the upper deck to cool off in the throat drinking beer, smoking fags, telling bullshit background of music. The cruise was relaxing. We meet an old grandpa who has lived in France there are twenty years in Bordeaux, he lost his French, but kept the spirit of the bottle, starting at noon he attacked with beer and end at the close of bar around midnight. For other notable characters, a crazy old woman who smokes fag fag dancing frantically on the sound of the times that young musicians perform loop noon till night.
The last night comes with the lights twinkling from Manaus on the banks, we leave to join the Amazon the Rio Negro and dock in the largest city in the Amazon. In Cusco we were on one of its flowed in, so we follow the river for over 2500 kilometers. Finally we are in Manaus, a destination that has made our imagination, like Mocha, Addis Ababa, Zanzibar, Rio de Janeiro ... the next cities, Bogota, Mexico City, Vegas, for me and Laetitia San Francisco. It is eleven o'clock at night and we did not want to dive in the city with our big bags at once and hard to find a hotel at this late hour. So, since we allow, we end the night in our hammocks and we decide to land, with our three traveling companions Patricia and Julia Reto only the next day. We are not alone, there is still a good twenty people on board and crew members who will watch over us.


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