Sunday, July 6, 2008

Funny Saying To Write On A Gravestone

234 J / Amazing Colombian Episode III

There's the rumba in the air
Midi. Bogotá. Tired, we call Olga. She told us to wait outside the door of the vast number 5 bus station, she adds that it will be easy to recognize because it will be with her husband in a dark red Chevrolet! A little info about Olga. Young woman of thirty years who has studied French six years ago at the Sorbonne. There she became friends with Paula that she also studied French in this venerable institution. Paula is married with Arnaud's cousin Laetitia. Paula knowing that we go through Bogota, called Olga to see if she could help us during our stay in the Colombian capital. Olga's reply was very clear: no seuleument she wants to meet us, but we host home for a few days we'll go to Bogota. End of digression. While we are beginning to fall asleep standing up, a horn us out of our torpor and Olga arrives with a smile. Actually her husband Tomas is black, also tall and big smile, he is also a small Mateo, son of Tomas to the rear of the car, he too is smiling. Landed at the apartment, we sit in the chamber Mateo sleeping now with her mother. We discuss about a plate. Tomas has to leave to join a friend for a pool French, I asked if I could join him. Yes, for what does ime girls go shopping. Here I am with Tomas and his friends in a huge room French billiards. This type of pool is an institution in Colombia, you can find in almost any middle of nowhere in the country. Result friends with Tomás mark of 100 points, 85 and Tomàs me a superb 20 points and I also learned a lot about how to play. Back at the apartment, I see a chess game, I suggest part. I take a rouste in less than a quarter of an hour, we must say that I have not slept much! I promise him the beautiful tomorrow when I'm in shape ...
We discuss the rest of the evening, they offer us a Bogota by night. Perfect. A micro-nap and we leave every four to visit the city. We go through the hills for a quick bite of corn while watching the glow from city lights below, we return to the old Bogotá, we take a short break in a small troquet riddled with small parts lit the candle, the night will be long, so with Laetitia we order a coffee, mild stimulant to compensate for our lack of sleep. We drive back towards a rumba, where they dance salsa. Once in place, Tomas gives a hug and there, shaking hands with it, in short it is like a fish in water. Except here it feels more Rum than mineral water. "Then the Muchachos, you drink something?" Tomas leaves us no time to respond "I'm sure a small bottle of Rum, you would do the most good hahaha!" "Of course" - A few minutes later the bottle, ice bucket and there are lemons. The glasses are filled and we toast. Olga, Laetitia and I drink a lot more Tomas who often plays the card of prudence and wisdom from the top of his feet 90 and 50 years. It was he who led and well-versed in laws - Mr. holds a law firm - he prefers not to drink too much, by cons that does not stop filling our glasses as soon as he realizes even the darkness of this place hot and humid that the level of our glasses appears in the red zone. On the dance floor couples chain the dance steps like us glasses of Rum. Laetitia with us are a little shy in front of such virtuosity. All couples are dancing on the runway salsa with such ease that we hesitate to contact us to them. We end Venturing out onto the dance floor, hoping that nobody will pay attention to our poor performance. The bottle is nearing its end, signs of fatigue begin to be felt. We try to slip a note to pay the bill, but Tomas has no intention of letting us do the rating and rule. Motor direction home. I believe that our stay in Bogotá looks good, we get along very well with Olga and Tomas. Curtain. Send Plumard and spins the snorers.
We have a good week to move to Bogotá, Olga and Tomàs we have prepared a program of visits with subparagraphs inevitable: the church and its point of Monserrate incredible view over the city, the museum Botero, the Simon Bolivar, the small restaurant "The false door", the Gold Museum, Flea Market, the botanical garden ...
continued in the next episode


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