Monday, December 20, 2010

Pastor Anniversary Envelopes

The world will haunt you as an any part of the world will be yours. Only if you belong entirely to the Divine that you can become free.

Shri Aurobindo

We are called to deify. It is a matter of time, but it is mostly a matter of choice and personal approach. The first step involves connecting with the divine light. We slipped in a word our last post . Contact is established, then begins a process of deification which encompasses all our links. Being spiritual is not confined to moments of meditation or prayer that we agree. The deification of our lives is the deification of all its aspects. We are called to deify everything we do in seeing them or honoring the divine presence. We always room for the divine light in everything we do and all our relations. In the divine life, 1 + 1 = 3. At first, the process may seem artificial, pressed on our lives. But gradually, inviting light in our every day gestures and it is our whole life is filled with light. The carpenter sees the light in his hammer in the furniture he makes. The baker makes his living by devoting to light. We cook the meal we share with family and friends in welcoming divine light. Among friends, colleagues or family, we call light. Thinking about the light, by making a place in our simple everyday actions, we sacralisons our lives in these smaller areas. We put on the altar of light our ties with others, our relationship with food, nature, the air we breathe, the objects that we manipulate our thoughts and with the whole being that we share . All these links are energetic son who come to carry light. The ties that keep us away from the light will be discontinued or transmuted by the effect of vibration of light. Our antagonism difficult, abusive will go through the healing that gives us light.

From the moment we enter the path of light, all that - us - blocking the light path is set before us until we understand the lesson and we are detached from these blockages. Our healing crises are often the result of the clash between light and thereby blocking its path. Each time, it is a test between itself and the light. Between ego and light. We can then ask the help of light. If we are sincere in our desire to integrate the light in our life, our light will resolve deadlocks. One to un.Et thereby, heal us.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Motorola Starchoice Remote Programing

How do I connect with the divine light?

This is not a method or technique that we will encounter the divine light. It is a heart available that we must achieve before an encounter with the sacred light, so intimate with a dimension of our being, the connection with the light takes the form of a tearful reunion. It is also a form of reconciliation with oneself, which impacts on others and the universe with which it is reconciled as well.

In several religions, it is purified, we take off our shoes, we prostrate, it fast before entering a sacred space to meet the divine. This space is sacred in itself. It is a heart available and soul that is detached from the secular ties that keep us away from light to mieux s'élever vers le divin. Avant d'entrer en relation avec l'énergie divine, avec la lumière, on cultive l'humilité, on demande pardon, on se met à nue en quelque sorte, on s'avoue dans toute notre fragilité et toute notre humanité. On se montre aussi dans notre désir sincère et pur de connecter avec la source divine. Il y a en quelque sorte une erreur à réparer , car c'est bien nous qui avons choisi de s'exiler de notre "chez-soi".    Il y a un besoin de purification, de pardon, et de grande guérison. Car cette rupture avec la source divine nous a causé de la souffrance. 

So how to connect with the divine source? By expressing the heart our sincere desire to find the divine part of our being, to live honestly by accepting the healing of soul and heart which follows the reunion intimate, these internal alchemical wedding which we reconcile with self, others and the universe. Is to know that our prayers, even silent, are heard. Know it to hear the answer of the universe when it comes. It is accepting of his life back in hands of the divine light and be guided by it. It is a choice for a new life.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Quotes With Souther Dialect

Reclaiming our soul

cure is to become whole is to recover our missing part, this divine aspect of self we have lost sight of. But it also regain all the fragments of self - our soul - are scattered throughout our past experiences in the energy field of others. We feel guilt, anger, strong attachment bonds to a particular person, it is possible that this person keeps a piece of our soul. The reverse is also possible, that is to say that we retain a fragment of the soul of that person. When we exercise control over a person can develop relationships based on etheric intention or desire to control. Energy follows intention, whatever the intention.

Our energy can then be lost through etheric bonds that remain even when the relationship has ceased on the physical plane. The brutal breakup is often ill because of powerful etheric links uniting our beloved (e) suddenly cease to supply our energy centers. The relationship and / or sexual is a medium channeling significant energy, often with a strong delusion. The relationship of channeling energy that feeds us and it is often deceive us about the true source of energy.

We are energy beings sprawling. A series of energy ties connect us to each other. Not to mention the links that we have with loved ones or foreign non-incarnated. Many of these links can distract us from the light and we render our energy. He must be aware and do the housework.

In the spiritual path, it is important to understand the dynamic relationships that develop between us and our neighbors. Every relationship is a possibility of sharing power in light or in shadow. Most of the time, we do in the shadow of our ego. Our links are conditional, filled with anticipation, leaving little freedom to another. The links are made and unmade by adherence to these unwritten rules. As we are not autonomous in our connection to the source, and as we seek to draw our energy in others, we condemn ourselves to suffering, because we put ourselves in a situation of dependence on them. We must learn to remain connected to the source in our relations. This means that we stop being duped by the ego (ours and others), expectations, experiences, karmic he is thirsty, dramas he has to play to put the world at its convenience, his lies and his illusory world.

By linking to the source, we free ourselves of attachment energy that keep us captive to one another. We cut off the son and recover our energy by merging our being scattered in the alchemical fire of light. This affects our relationships become the scene of a share of the light to its source. Reconnection to our source encourages other souls also reconnect to the source in a co-evolutionary movement.

There are probably several ways to recover our soul scattered in the tangle our etheric linkages.

A meditation that we can do is 1) to connect with the universal energy of life or divine light, 2) call to our own soul fragments, 3) to release the fragments of soul self or foreign entities, directing them towards the light, then 4) to fill us with light to fill the gaps left by the bodies or fragments leaving us.

Here's how it can make

"I pray and I ask the divine light, the Holy Spirit, Reiki for their help and support in the healing work I do. "

Breathing and reception of light.
Repeat the sentence if necessary.

If you feel the divine connection or when you feel ready, n o passes the next step is to call our soul and / or its fragments.

"I call my soul, and all fragments of my soul, which remained attached to past experiences or other people. These experiments are over. It is time to return home. I forgive the wrong that was done. I ask pardon for the wrong I did. Divine light comes forgive us. Just release my soul and its fragments that have remained captive to suffering, memory, and lost contact with me. Thank you all light to dissolve the bonds that connect these fragments ethereal soul to another soul. I incorporate all my fragments and agree to heal. "

"I ask the light to free me of entities or soul fragments that have been attached to me. I forgive these entities and these fragments, and I ask the light, and its representatives, to guide these entities to their next place of evolution by dissolving all ties that link me to etheric them. Thank you my seal of light energy field and fill in your healing energy. "

Wait until the job done.
Doing this meditation for several days.

We can do this exercise by reviewing each of the years of our existence, then our previous lives, because fragments or entities can come from past lives.

It is possible to feel movement in the body or energy field; to experience feelings of warmth or cold to hear voices, to have memories to surface. Only observe what is happening within the intention of the prayer and healing and staying connected with light.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Pokemon Mew Emerald.cht Gpsphone


If we take any faith that we are an outsider to heal us, and we put it in us if we are to believe in our healing power, we can become our own Reiki practitioner.

Everyone has the power to channel the universal energy of life. In fact, we all do. We constantly exchange energy with our environment. This is vital. But in this conscientization faculty, we can supply a source of energy purer, more divine, more revitalizing.

Many believe that practitioners of reiki or energy therapists have a gift but this gift, everyone has it. With a little work, you can connect with the universal energy of life to improve our physical life, psychological and spiritual. It's a way to reclaim our spiritual heritage which we are all entitled. It's a way to reconnect with our spiritual essence.

1 - First, believe we can channel that energy, pure and divine
2 - Ask - with faith - that energy to come into our lives, our body, our being;
3 - Take the time to open yourself to this energy and to welcome you can get your hands on you, another person, an animal and share that energy. Physical sensations and changes in consciousness can be felt.
4 - Repeat regularly with the certainty that this will work.