Sunday, December 19, 2010

Motorola Starchoice Remote Programing

How do I connect with the divine light?

This is not a method or technique that we will encounter the divine light. It is a heart available that we must achieve before an encounter with the sacred light, so intimate with a dimension of our being, the connection with the light takes the form of a tearful reunion. It is also a form of reconciliation with oneself, which impacts on others and the universe with which it is reconciled as well.

In several religions, it is purified, we take off our shoes, we prostrate, it fast before entering a sacred space to meet the divine. This space is sacred in itself. It is a heart available and soul that is detached from the secular ties that keep us away from light to mieux s'élever vers le divin. Avant d'entrer en relation avec l'énergie divine, avec la lumière, on cultive l'humilité, on demande pardon, on se met à nue en quelque sorte, on s'avoue dans toute notre fragilité et toute notre humanité. On se montre aussi dans notre désir sincère et pur de connecter avec la source divine. Il y a en quelque sorte une erreur à réparer , car c'est bien nous qui avons choisi de s'exiler de notre "chez-soi".    Il y a un besoin de purification, de pardon, et de grande guérison. Car cette rupture avec la source divine nous a causé de la souffrance. 

So how to connect with the divine source? By expressing the heart our sincere desire to find the divine part of our being, to live honestly by accepting the healing of soul and heart which follows the reunion intimate, these internal alchemical wedding which we reconcile with self, others and the universe. Is to know that our prayers, even silent, are heard. Know it to hear the answer of the universe when it comes. It is accepting of his life back in hands of the divine light and be guided by it. It is a choice for a new life.


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