Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pokemon Leaf Green Cheats On Vba

Mastering subtle planes

Human beings do not become master of himself that when he becomes master of his subtle body which often ignores its existence. When we turn our attention to our body, the flow of our thoughts and our emotions, we see how things are happening to us without even it's coming from us. We are a whirlwind Standing feelings, emotions and thoughts. Learning to become master of oneself, first realize that we are carried by a continuous stream of thoughts and emotions. Then is learning to emerge from this flood by disidentify / releasing of each bubble experiences associated with each thought-emotion.

But beyond our thoughts and our emotions, we meet the astral world. It is the world of souls. This is where we are all interconnected. This is where it hangs for most of us. It is so tightly knit that here we can hardly free. We are too attached to each other. And these links are not always / often or even bonds of love. These are attachment relationships, we often take for bonds of love. True love leaves the soul free and even encouraged to continue its evolution. Our links are not - generally - of that nature. These are subtle control links, dependencies, relationships of domination, vampirism, links exchange (I'll do this, but you do that to me in return).

If ever a soul wants to free itself from our reality, our normality, to see if there is something else, more authentic, that's where the people with whom we link may show their true face. Our relatives do not necessarily accept our willingness to change. It is like one who has an addiction to alcohol or drugs and who decides to stop everything: often, these friends will not understand drugged her choice or not accept it. They will try to convince him to continue life as before. Only those who truly understand and love the encouragement to continue.

We're all addicts like the astral world. Most of us do not know that we are addicts and we do not want to detoxify the astral world. The astral world gives us our dose of fun (an illusion) that makes us endure the suffering that come with addiction. The key for the astral world (including ourselves) is that everything continues as before.

Whoever wants to be free of the astral world is considered a troublemaker around in circles, a wacky, eccentric, a black sheep. Most of those who want to rid themselves of astral world leads in their search discretion. They are spiritual groups. They feel a little less alone group. But wherever they go, they carry with them the astral plane: they merely change the "gang". It is in them as much as outside of them that made the long and patient work désastralisation their conscience. To achieve this, we must learn to connect with light planes and stay connected with them, cultivating a genuine link with the light, in faith, prayer and love. We must also recognize, never to succumb to the pitfalls of the astral world.

As a gardener who must work at his garden every day to see the bloom, light workers cultivate their daily relationship with the light, to grow with it and spread worldwide , remaining implacable face of astral forces.


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