Saturday, February 26, 2011

Easy Way To Transform Into A Wolf

MEETING: The Port can stun the chicken

BC Dionysian - CS Portois - Girls too, tonight, have their crucial match. Recent meetings of the phase range from chicken aces, and first lessons, when they have finished in Bécédiennes Portois face. The first, at home, have to be forgiven for losing the first game against the buffer. If they want to stay hooked to the train that takes them into the final they beat Portois must, on pain of being obliged to Faultless next few weeks. But face it, Victor protected Carlot now argue openly. After demonstrate that they made last week against the buffer, they showed they had the perfect costume for future nominees. If the Reds had to win tonight, in the event of a victory against the Eaglets buffer, they would make an immense step toward the final, only a huge surprise would counteract. If this is the right thing BCD, three teams will be tied, and the girls would give us finally a thrilling second half of the season. We dreamed at the beginning of the year, "that may become reality



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